Showing posts with label advocate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advocate. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2022

Happy Hours with Meals Monthly - First Friday

Not the Chicken Kiev
Our first opening for the year, last Friday (4 Mar 22) was a great success with a large attendance and a lovely chicken Kiev meal with a cheesecake sweet to top it off, all from the Tanunda Lutheran Homes who provide most of our meals.

Several people submitted applications for membership and a couple of others asked for membership forms, so we'll have a few new people joining our happy group.

We were pleased to meet Mark Patton who will soon take up duty as our volunteer advocacy representative. 

A couple of committee members weren't able to attend and President Trevor Klose had to leave early, but all told, we had a very enjoyable evening.

Meals will be provided on the first Friday of each month and as Robin was asked to email people a reminder beforehand, he has agreed to do so. So, watch your inbox, but don't only turn up when we have meals, we look forward to seeing you at all Happy Hours.