Showing posts with label RSL Sub-Branch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSL Sub-Branch. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Management Committee Feedback

---- Visit our Hut at Tanunda Recreation Park any Friday evening from 5 pm for Happy Hour ---- 

Your management committee met on Monday, 17 June 24 and the highlights follow: 

Membership and Meal RSVP Bookings

We dealt with some administrative concerns regarding processing of membership applications and RSVP and booking processes with the major meals events.

Both had some issues that we've rectified that will enable us to work more efficiently and effectively in future.

Garden Furniture

If you have visited the Hut recently, you'll have noticed some changes at the front and right-hand side, one of which is the appearance of a bench seat set for members to sit during the sunny, warm evenings we have later in the year. The committee has decided to consider adding two or three more similar bench sets and is researching costs as I write.

If the costs are within our budget, you can expect to see some more garden furniture appear in due course.

Cleaning Roster

When I studied management and human resources, I learned about the "Pareto Principle" and while it is mainly focused on business outcomes, it is also evident among groups in society.

From a human point of view, the rule suggests that 20% of any group of people is the most productive. 

That is evident in clubs like ours. Twenty percent of members do most of the work - like cleaning up after we have Happy Hours or other events.

We are looking for a few people within that 20% to help us clean your Hut after events. We don't expect anyone to turn up every Saturday (or another day) to vacuum, check the toilets, empty wastepaper bins and generally return the place to it's best state. But we do need someone other than the few.

We'll place a roster on the Hut notice board each Friday and ask for someone to volunteer to turn up Saturday and spend a half hour or so helping out.

Facebook Tanunda RSL Site

As nobody on the committee is willing to take over the Facebook site, we have decided to contact the person responsible for it and have the site deleted. 

Our main channels for communication will be the Notice Board, Email, The Bugle newsletter, and this blog site as well as announcements during Happy Hours.

Barossa Gallery Closure

The Barossa Gallery and Soldiers' Memorial Hall is going to close for a lengthy period between September this year and January 25 so we are arranging for any of our assets to be returned to the Hut during that period.

Donations for ANZAC Day Bands

Every year we present those bands that support us on ANZAC Day with a donation. This year, we will be inviting members of the bands to visit us on 12 July to collect a cheque.

We are also required to send an amount to the RSLSA Office as a result of our fundraising activities which we are doing at present. This helps fund the running of the state office.

Preferred Night to Open the Hut

We considered whether it might be in our best interest to change the Happy Hour evenings from Friday to perhaps Thursday but as a majority of members prefer Friday evening, that is where it will remain.

So there it is for this meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Remembrance Day Appeal

Our volunteers will be outside Foodland Tanunda selling a wide range of memorabilia on Wednesday, 3 and Thursday, 4 November between 9 am and 5 pm.

This is part of our annual activity to raise funds for our veterans' support programs and the ongoing costs of running our sub-branch. Apart from special grants we receive for specific tied activities (see here), our club runs largely on donations from our generous sponsors and the Barossa public.

Numerous people simply drop off a donation and we have at least one collector who spends a large sum on new badges every year. Others buy one or two of our products sourced mainly from the Military Shop with whom we have an affiliation.

If you click on the Military Shop link here in the right column under Links, you'll not only find a rich harvest of militaria you can buy eg, jackets, medals, badges, caps, water bottles and much more, but you'll also ensure our club gets a small commission.

Do visit us on either of the two days and get yourself some of the newer memorabilia. We look forward to seeing you. 

PS: The umbrellas were popular last year as were the purple badges acknowledging the service that animals have provided during all wars.