Showing posts with label DVA Saluting their Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DVA Saluting their Service. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2023

Committee Meeting Feedback

---- Veterans Health Week Event - Port Parham 29 SEP 23 ----At our Management Committee meeting on Monday, 11 September 23 we discussed numerous routine matters of little interest to members and a few issues that may be of interest. Details follow:

Our new Honour Board Wall

We're delighted to say that after years of wishful thinking, the Honour Board Wall has been completed to stage one. 

This was a long-term wish of President Trevor Klose and I know he's delighted to see it eventually come true during his presidency. It's the most significant change to the Hut since the kitchen revamp several years ago. Stage two promises to be even more exciting.

Thanks to a grant from the Department of Veteran's Affairs via its "Saluting their Service" program and with a small amount of our own funding, we've been able to get stage one completed.

Liddy Building has done an exceptional job constructing this wall for us. The brickwork on the bottom looks amazing and when you look through the door in the middle, in the background is our cross on which we focus during our ode. There is some work to do on the background wall and in the two boxes shown as black backgrounds, we'll have the names of our fallen heroes.

At the rear of the wall are some open spaces in which we intend to build storage spaces.

When next you visit, take a good look at our Honour Board Wall and tell us what you think. We'd love to hear from you.

Veterans Health Week - Port Parham
The Committee has arranged for a Veterans Health Week crabbing and Mental Wellness event on 29 September 23. Everyone on our mailing list would have received an invitation. If you didn't and you'd like one, please email us, but be fast, there are limited spaces.

Donation to Legacy
In keeping with our policy to give back to our community who so generously give to us, the Committee has approved for a $250 donation to Legacy Barossa-Light in support of their recent Legacy Week fundraising campaign. The money goes towards supporting veterans families.

Flooring Replacement
Funds have been approved to replace the linoleum flooring between the main hall and the kitchen which is in a sorry state of repair. That will be replaced by Carpet Court on 10-11 October 23.

Fathers' Day Raffle
Thanks largely to Committee members Jan and Denis Tompkins, our raffle was a huge success. It exceeded all expectations and reflected on the quality of the prizes on offer. All prizes were donated by local businesses.

Barossa Regional Gallery Meetings
Meetings between our Executive Committee members and staff at the Gallery are continuing with a view to having a permanent display of ADF memorabilia placed there on our behalf.

Grant for Audio System
A grant application has been submitted to Mr Tony Pasin MP for the purchase of an audio system we can use in-house and also at the Tanunda Memorial Garden on our two commemorative days annually.

Remembrance Day Planning
Remembrance Day planning has commenced and Charmane Klose is seeking volunteers to staff our memorabilia sales kiosk outside Foodland Tanunda on 8-9 November respectively. If you would like to help out, please let us know.